- Agencija Damar
- Agencija za ispitivanje - Damar
- Damar
- Damar Crna Gora
- Damar Plus
Apstinenti su demokratski potencijal crnogorskog društva i njihova eventualna (de)motivacija može biti presudan faktor kada je u pitanju ishod predstojećih…
Independence of Montenegro is definitive and unquestionable for the vast majority of Montenegrin citizens, relations with Serbia are assessed as…
As part of the project “No Impunity for Human Rights Violations and Breaches in Montenegro,” conducted by the Civic Alliance…
At the level of political formula – a set of desirable values and an accompanying institutional framework that ensures them,…
Damar Agency, in collaboration with the University of Donja Gorica and the Statistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT), commemorates the Day…
Every fourth citizen of Montenegro says they have believed in misinformation once a week in the past year, and every…
U okviru projekta “Bez nekažnjivosti za povredu i kršenje ljudskih prava u Crnoj Gori”, koji sprovodi Građanska alijansa, u partnerstvu…
U susret predstojećim predsjedničkim izborima u Crnoj Gori, zakazanim za 19. mart, odnosno 2. april (ukoliko dođe do drugog kruga),…
Svaki četvrti građanin/ka Crne Gore kaže da je u posljednjoj godini povjerovao u dezinformaciju jednom nedjeljno, a svaki deseti jednom…