- November 1, 2023 Kako do bržeg zapošljavanja lica sa invaliditetom?Ova analiza istražuje temu bržeg zapošljavanja lica sa invaliditetom, fokusirajući se na ključne prepreke sa kojima se suočavaju...
- September 8, 2023 Rusi i Ukrajinci turisti i/li stanovnici?Autor: Vuk Čađenović„Ove sezone broj turista je veći u odnosu na prethodnu za xy %.“ Ovo je rečenica...
- December 14, 2021 Complex statistical analyzes (modeling, factor analyzes, inferential statistics)Preparation of economic analyzes / econometrics, forecasting models, statistics for the preparation of scientific papers and the like.
- December 14, 2021 Collection, systematization and visualization of already available dataAfter 30 years of work, the research agency "Damar" has created an impressive database. This database consists of...
- December 14, 2021 Mistery shoppingMystery Shopper is a simple and economical method of qualitative research. It is used for the purpose of...
- December 14, 2021 In-depth interviewAn in-depth interview is one of the most effective ways to understand the elements of the issue development...
- December 14, 2021 Focus groupsFocus groups are the most common technique of qualitative research. They are oriented around a discussion on a...
- December 14, 2021 Omnibus researchOne of the most popular group surveys in which several multiple clients share a questionnaire. The advantage is...
- December 14, 2021 Analysis (quantitative and qualitative) of already available dataThe research agency "Damar" consists of a team of six experts with notable work experience in the field...
- December 14, 2021 Public opinion poll (1000 adult citizens of Montenegro)Public opinion poll on various social topics, which is conducted on a multi-stage stratified random sample on the...